Microcirculation and Bemer® treatment system

Microcirculation, the “main route of health” – a forgotten network consisting of small and very small blood vessels, 120,000 km long, and the initial lymphatic vessels – covers 74% of the entire circulatory system and plays an important role in transporting, supplying (in oxygen and nutrients), and utilizing of metabolic products. The functioning microcirculation is the basic prerequisite for all processes of regeneration, reconstruction, growth and treatment in our body. Limited or impaired microcirculation leads to many chronic diseases (back pain, skin diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, migraine) and is stimulated by a specific configuration of electromagnetic field signals (BEMER® signal, physical vascular therapy), which activates the regulatory processes. BEMER® is a Class IIa (93/42/EEC) (CE0483) medical device, officially approved in the EU. Dr. Czarnecka and her team are experts in BEMER® physical vascular therapy. Find out what BEMER® can do for you and try out this method of treatment.

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